Curriculum Vitae

Ditte_Rasmussen_Brøgger180x180_jpg_highres_3676Ditte Rasmussen Brøgger


Human geographer / PhD Student at University of Copenhagen

I am an urban geographer I work on the social relationship between people in urban areas and the potential of extensive link between rural and urban areas through the connections made by migrants. My research include studies into urban assemblages, rural urban connections and knowledge in urban areas mainly in Nepal, but also in a Scandinavian context. A key part of this has been through a focus on the transformation of ordinary urban areas and the experience and practice of the urban population in their everyday life. My current PhD work examines the social relationship between people in new emerging urban areas in small, medium and large urban areas in Nepal. My research does also include studies of multilocality and migration and development in the me on:

Work experience

  • PhD Student, University of Copenhagen August 2014 – present
  • Research Assistant, Teaching Assistant & Communication Officer at University of Copenhagen (UCPH)  August 2013 – August 2014
  • Student Research Assistant at Department of Geoscience and Natural resources (UCPH), January 2010 – September 2012
  • Student Researcher at the EU-project ‘VOLANTE’ at University of Copenhagen  ( Qualitative research (interviews) in rural areas in Denmark, November 2010-July 2011
  • Teaching assistant at Copenhagen University                                                                           On the course “Kulturlandskabet”: a general introduction to Danish cultural geography. And the course “Vækst Velfærd og Regulering” a general introduction to social, economic and political geography in Europe, September 2010 – January 2012
  • Student Research Assistant at Forest and landscape, LIFE, Copenhagen University Research on regeneration of gravel pits, regeneration of post-industrial areas and analysis of potential conflict on infrastructural projects around Copenhagen (light railway and new highways) (May 2011 – October 2011
  • Office assistant at ‘skoletjenesten’ Københavns Kommune.                                                 Communication and customer contact, January 2008 – January 2009
  • Teacher assistant at Safe Passage (Volunteer)                                                             Classroom assistant and assistant teacher in primary school in Guatemala City ( February 2006-June 2006


  • 2010 – 2013: M.Sc in Human Geography, University of Copenhagen. Member and president for the student organisation ‘Samfundsgeografisk Studenter Forening (SGS)
  • 2011: SLUSE, University of Copenhagen. 15 ETCS course in: Sustainable Land Use and Natural Resource Management, including fieldwork in Malaysia
  • 2007 – 2010: B.Sc in, GeographyUniversity of Copenhagen 
  • 2009: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 30 ETCS courses in Anthropology, history and geography,
  • 2004-2005: Krogerup Højskole, Projekt Verden Brænder, 2004 – 2005
  • 2001-2004 Silkeborg Amts Gymnasium, member of the school council and ‘Operation Dagsværk’


Agergaard, Jytte & Broegger, Ditte (2016): Returning home: migrant connections and visions for local development in rural Nepal Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography 1-11

Brøgger, D. R (2013): Grøntsager får nye fælleskaber til at spire I Byen, Geografisk Orientering, No.5, s.30-42 2013

Brøgger, D. R & Brenneche, T. (2013) En hovedstad med modsætninger. Geografisk Orientering, No.3, s.50-55 2013.

Brøgger, D. R. (2013): Social remittances and rural place making – A study of translocal migration in Nepal. Thesis, Section for Geography, Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen.

Brøgger, D. R. ; Wieszczeczynska, K. ; Caspersen, O. H; Nyed, P. K. ; Jørgensen, G.: (2011) Fremtiden og de rekreative områder i hovedstadsregionen, Arbejdsraport Skov & Landskab, LIFE Københavns Universitet.

Brøgger, D. R. ; Caspersen, O. H. (red.) ; Hansen-Møller, J ; Jørgensen, G. ; Konijnendijk, C.C; Nyed, P. K. ; Olafsson, A.S. ; Skov-Petersen, H. & Wieszczeczynska, K. (2011):  Betydningen af storbyregionens grønne områder, Skov & Landskab, Københavns Universitet.

Johansen, P. H & Brøgger, D. R. (2010): Undersøgelse: Benchmarking af 12 lokalsamfundsprojekter i landdistrikter i tre kommuner, Grobund ApS.


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